Welcome to Xenogenesis

The Faces of BioHacking
Ryan Frisinger & Julieta Benavides
Xenogenesis is Austin’s only dedicated biohacking lab. Our cutting edge tools assist the body’s innate biology. We work to restore the bio-electrics of the body by using “medicines” to which the body is designed to directly respond: light, oxygen, electromagnetic frequencies, and electricity. Our custom protocols are sequential and intentionally designed to mirror the body’s physiological pathways for maximum benefit in the least amount of time. By using the right inputs in the right amounts, we can maximize the body’s capacity to heal while still allowing for time to live life. Xenogenesis offers something for everyone: cellular repair for those suffering from chronic illness, optimization for the performance athlete, and anti-aging for preserving a youthful vitality (which is basically everybody!). We offer memberships and guided protocols to tailor specialized technologies to each individual need, ensuring high success rates for each client.
(512) 758-3498
2823 E MLK Jr. Blvd., Suite 115