Welcome to Whole Family Chiropractors & RejuvaWell

The Face of Well & Being
Michelle Paris and Team
Whole Family Chiropractors opened in 2009 by Michelle Paris, DC, focusing on head, shoulders, knees, and toes. RejuvaWell, by Whole Family, opened in 2018 to add services addressing eyes, ears, mouth, and nose!
Both sides of the thoughtfully designed regenerative medical boutique offer a veritable health revolution in East Austin, connecting the dots between internal health and external aesthetics. Dr. Paris and her team fill in all the gaps: literally and figuratively! With expertly trained top-talent professionals from the Chiropractic, Medical & Regenerative Medicine disciplines, RejuvaWell offers a wide variety of solutions for the entire body.
Dr. Paris and her team believe that aging should be seen as a journey, understanding that priorities change over time. Focusing on patients’ preferences, the team tailors solutions to each individual’s needs and goals.
4818 Berkman Dr., Suite 100