In Good Company

Quiet Company
For the Love of Rock & Roll
Words by Sommer Brugal Photos by Eric Morales
Sitting in a room with Quiet Company is like being with your best friends. Friendly banter, jokes, shared memories, and an obvious love for music make up the conversation. Despite the close dynamic, Taylor Muse, the band’s lead singer and songwriter, says the four members weren’t friends when the band started out.
“I knew I didn’t want to play [in a band] with my friends,” admits Muse when speaking of Quiet Company’s beginnings. It simply hadn’t worked out in the past. Instead, he took note from another band, New Frontier. “[The members] became friends after they were in the band together because they shared a common purpose: to play rock and roll.”
Today, Quiet Company has four key band members: Taylor Muse, Tommy Blank, Trevor Dowdy, and Jeff Stringer. They’ve been compared to bands like Death Cab for Cutie, Arcade Fire, and even The Beatles. Such comparisons, Muse says, are just reflections of the band’s growth.
“When we first started, the Death Cab for Cutie comparison was a lot more accurate; Arcade Fire was more our third album,” Muse contemplates. “Now a days, I think we’re more in the vain of Weezer. We’re a bit louder than before.”
According to the members, the band’s sound is authentic, with personal aspects influencing each song. With Muse as the lead songwriter, the band jokes that listening to their music in chronological order is like following a blog of his life. Still, Dowdy says the band approaches song writing in a democratic way.
“There’s a stated rule that if someone has an idea, we take the time to learn it and listen to it,” Dowdy explains. “We respect each other enough to hear it, play it, then discuss whether it will work or not.”
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Quiet Company released its latest EP, Your Husband, the Ghost, last August. From the aesthetics to the sound to the recording process, Muse says it’s his favorite record the band has produced thus far.
More than ten years after Muse put up his first Craigslist ad calling for band members, Quiet Company is still making music they’re proud of. Most importantly, the group can confidently say they’re not just band members but friends, too.
Big Plans: Though the band released an EP just a few months ago, the group hopes to release four EPs throughout 2018. When asked what fans can expect, the band was a bit mysterious, to say the least, saying; “Something is in the works for 2018.”