Welcome to Patrice Rios Interiors

The Face of Hospitality Design
Patrice Rios
Patrice Rios, founder of TROO Designs, is excited to announce the launch of Patrice Rios Interiors. With 11 years of experience in Austin, Patrice has transformed Troo Designs into a full service design studio to include high-end homes, custom kitchens and bathrooms. Patrice Rios Interiors will focus on design in the hospitality industry with stylish, boutique hotels including The Colton House Hotel in Austin.
Moving into the hospitality industry seemed like a natural next step for Patrice, given her eye for detail and functionality when it comes to the luxury boutique hotel scene. She works with clients to create a space and a mood for every situation: from the lobby, to the bar, to the casual coffee shop, and the individually customized suites.
Patrice and her team specialize in creating unique and inviting rooms for each user. Her goal is to create spaces where someone can experience their entire day finding new aesthetics and nooks to cozy into and never get bored with the space—just like she has done at The Colton House Hotel. Ensuring that every guest can enjoy and be surprised by each room, whether they are on vacation or working, she prides herself on every detail that makes these custom spaces feel like home.
design@patricerios.com | PatriceRios.com | @PatriceTheDesigner
We are eXcited to celebrate with our friend and amaZing designer Patrice Nichole on her new business venture … “Patrice Rios Interiors” that will focus on design in the hospitality industry with stylish, boutique hotels including The Colton House Hotel in Austin. She is The BEST designer EVER and Richard and I are so proud to say “we knew her when!” We are so happy for you Patrice and excited about seeing your incredible creations! CONGRATULATIONS🥂🍾🎉💫💜 ~ Kay Wolking Bratton and Richard Bratton, Austin TX
I really like and appreciate your post. Really looking forward to read more. Cool. Laure Alexandr Peirce