Community Driven, Honest Service

Juke Automotive
“Like a lot of us, I looked at the world and saw all the great changes that could happen,” remembers Juke Ball, the owner of Juke Automotive. However, after years of marching for human rights and shouting his ideals to the heavens, Juke says that maturity caught up with him and one day he found himself asking, “What sort of a difference can I make myself?”
For Juke, the answer seemed to be that a better world started by growing roots in his own community and uncompromisingly living his values of honesty, integrity, and positivity. Again, he found himself musing, “If I wish the community around me was better. Why don’t I treat my community better?” The solution came in 2004 with the purchase of an auto mechanic garage. Suddenly, Juke realized he could bring all those things he wished the world could be to his shop as the core tenants of his business.
“We based the shop on this idea that you treat your customers and your employees honestly,” explains Juke. According to him, one of the best ways to do that is to hire staff with a positive attitude. The other cornerstone of Juke Auto is an interest in the mechanical enigma. “For a mechanic shop, we tend to encourage a continuing education in all makes and models.” To be successful, however, one must be able to get lost in the puzzle to come up with a solution.
“We based the shop on this idea that you treat your customers and your employees honestly,”
For the mechanically minded, this is often second nature, but for those who merely associate automobiles with driving, a guide is required to find a solution when things go awry. “One of the things that sets us apart from other shops is the amount of time our service advisors are willing to spend explaining what’s going on with somebody’s car, as well as the importance of that,” Juke remarks. Addressing reparations in this manner gives customers confidence in their decision and aids them in understanding their vehicle.
Juke laments that this practice is not the standard. “I’d love for everybody to raise the bar,” he insists, “because that would [bring solutions] to the community.” In the meantime, he says that he’s content cultivating a better world within his own shop where he can offer heartfelt service to each and every customer who walks through the door.
Did you know? Juke Auto works with Asian and domestic vehicles that were made in 1996 or newer and European vehicles that are 2000 or newer. Check out Juke’s current auto repair specials by giving them a call.
924 Shady Lane
(512) 385-5853