Intentional Interactions

Music, Food, & Art spark conversation & Build Community.
Words by Sommer Brugal
Stephanie Gutierrez, Shelby Goodwin, and Sara Barge are the trio behind Foster ATX, a music and culinary pop-up series that works to support and showcase creative and talented individuals in Austin. Roommates, travel partners, and self-proclaimed soul mates, the trio continuously works to open people’s minds and push the boundaries on what it means to feel connected to another.
After graduating college, the trio traveled to Europe, where they were completely enamored by the culture and, more specifically, how Europeans gathered around food and music. Uninspired by the jobs that awaited them upon their return, they began asking themselves what they were passionate about; what were their strengths?
They wondered how they could recreate the sense of community they felt while traveling. On an impromptu trip to Austin, the idea of an intimate community gathering came to mind. Thus, the initial concepts of Foster
ATX were born.
“We touched down in Austin [and thought], ‘this is totally the place,’” Gutierrez grins. “The food scene, the music scene, the open, collaborative environment.”
Since its launch in May 2016, Foster has hosted 43 events, ranging from musical performances to curated dinners featuring acclaimed chefs in the city. Despite the differences between them, the first step of every pop-up is the same. “We always begin with one main starting point, whether it’s a venue, chef, or musician,” Barge explains. “Then we look to find a common thread that connects them all and creates an emotion you wouldn’t think of.”
Every aspect of Foster ATX is intentional: from the simple, yet beautiful décor, to the unconventional music and cuisine pairings, to the emotion the team hopes to instill in guests. “We’re intentional [because] we want [guests] to be intentional with the people around [them], to be so invested in whoever is performing or cooking,” Gutierrez adds.
Goodwin continues, “Foster ATX—and its name—were built on the idea of supporting people’s beliefs and passions, to have meaningful conversations with strangers, to feel like you belong.” Almost two years later, that ethos, and their mission to encourage connections, is still at the forefront.
To read more about the social activities Austin has to offer, Click Here.
[…] To learn more about Foster, check them out at You can also read about them on Eastside ATX here. […]