DJ Cassandra Puts a Unique Spin on Her Musical Career

Creating the Soundtrack of Her Life
Words by Jessi Devenyns Photos by Eric Morales
When Fleetwood Mac released their hit “Go Your Own Way” in 1977, they could not have known the inspirational anthem that it would become. Although the song is about breakups, the tune’s recognition that it takes solitude and determination to forge your own path is a sentiment that speaks to Cassie Shankman.
There have been many times when I’m like, ‘Why am I doing this?’” admits Cassie, a composer with a classical music background who went her own way when she pivoted her career trajectory and reinvented herself as DJ Cassandra in 2019. “Then I turn around, and I’m DJ-ing for 150,000 people.” Cassie freely admits that forging her own path has led her to become both a mental health advocate as well as an informal support system for fellow DJs.

“DJs have this crazy reputation that we drink all day and party all night. But we’re actually professionals.” She laughs, then grows serious when she explains that it is only once someone knows her own worth that she can advocate for her value: a stance that opens up freedom within the profession and carves out a space to be creative in the midst of the hustle that drives a small business. “It’s when you do that you feel so valued as a musician and an artist, in everything you’ve done, and you can make a business out of this,” shares Cassie.

While she unequivocally loves the music that she plays, it is the people who move her to get out of bed every day and dive into unknown musical corners. “I’m going to go dig deep and learn everything,” she says, remembering when she accepted an all-country wedding despite the fact that she’s not an aficionado of the genre. Another time she had to give herself a crash course in H-Town hip-hop. “I just say,“Yes!” to them because why not? …I want to learn, and I want to see how [my work] affects people who really love that genre of music.”

This fascination with people and their relationship to music has led Cassie’s career through many twists and turns, including a stint as a composer for Biomedical Music Solutions, a company that uses musical compositions to help those with neurological impairments regain fluid movement. But ultimately, the art of a strong DJ set that keeps a dance floor moving remains Cassie’s tempo. Having an invitation to create the soundtrack to people’s stories through the universal language of music is the lifeblood behind DJ Cassandra’s work. She smiles and shares that she hopes to encourage others with the drive to string songs into stories and to use music and a dash of hard work to create tight bonds to the community. She smiles and says, “You can do it. You definitely can do it. Why not?”