Try It, You’ll Like It: Try Hard Coffee

Tying Caffeine, Collaboration, & Tunes Together
Words by Jessi Devenyns Photos by Baptiste Despois
Usually the focal point of a coffee shop is the sleek chrome of a workhorse espresso machine that intermittently roars into action as soon as a barista takes an order. At popular spots, the process can mimic an assembly line; each patron waits for the inevitable “next” as they shuffle forward to access their pick-me-up beverage. At Try Hard Coffee Roasters, the only thing that is shuffling is the song list, and, usually, this is done by a DJ.
While daytime cafés and DJ sets may appear to attract people who thrive on antithetical circadian rhythms, they harmonize unexpectedly well. Try Hard owners Gabrielle Rose, Raechel Hurd, and Jon French have all worked in specialty coffee for years, so they knew that a good cup of Joe was not made by beans alone but also by the experience one has while sipping.

Opening the doors to Try Hard Coffee in 2020, the trio worked to create a space where the focal point was a cross between good coffee (naturally), early-morning DJ sets run by local industry professionals, and community.
“Collaborations with local musicians are very much at the core of Try Hard,” explains Raechel. “We have a record shop at the front that features all local artists, and we don’t take any commission. Everything that we do at Try Hard seems to circle back to [music], from the live DJs in the morning to collaborations with coffees and musicians.”
Few things are more inviting on the cold days than a piping hot beverage. But since the number of warm days far outstrips the cold ones, a drink chilled to the point that condensation weeps down the cup is a must. Try Hard Coffee serves up both varieties. The Mood Ring is a perennial favorite, its color-changing magic a delight for those looking for a citrusy refreshment that brings a mellow mood rather than a caffeine kick. However, Jon suggests keeping an eye out for the rotating special beverages that are inspired by local artists like David Ramirez. Raechel elaborates on their collaborations. “We make a coffee the way that the band drinks it.” Then these custom roasts are released for a limited time.
1115 E 11th St.