6 Best Nonprofits

There’s no better way to celebrate the season than to give to a local cause.
Words Clarissa Jane
There’s a nip in the air that’s bringing notes of gratitude and holiday cheer. Numerous nonprofits on the Eastside help spread goodwill by providing life-changing resources to those who need them. Often the unsung heroes, these nonprofits are crucial to making our community stronger.
1 Sustainable Food Center
Through building partnerships across the Texas food system and designing programs to educate the consumer, Sustainable Food Center’s mission is to improve access to fresh, pesticide and toxin-free food to Austinites. They have been successful in their mission for the last 50 years, serving community members who face barriers to food security and health equity as well as underserved producers across Texas who support a robust and vibrant food ecosystem. sustainablefoodcenter.org | 2921 E 17th St., Bldg. C
2 Raasin in the Sun
Beautification is this nonprofit’s forte, inspiring and uniting communities through mural displays, environmental activism, community events, and so much more. With over 10,000 communities reached and an infinite number of smiles created, Raasin in the Sun’s mission “aims to address the needs of individuals experiencing unstable housing with compassion through transformative public art opportunities that aim to heal, empower, and inspire community.” raasininthesun.org | 1801 E 51st St., Ste. 365, #551
3 Casa Marianella
Providing shelter and support services, Casa Marianella has made it their mission to provide a safe housing option for immigrants, as well as women and children escaping violence, in the city of Austin. They are proud to have helped immigrants from over 40 countries in the last 38 years and to be known as the only homeless shelter in Austin dedicated solely to immigrants. casamarianella.org | 821 Gunter St.
4 Inside Books Project
A community-focused and volunteer-run organization, Inside Books Project is an Austin-based organization that donates free reading materials to incarcerated Texas residents. They also publish resource guides for inmates. Inside Books Project, the only books-to-prisoners program in Texas, allows those incarcerated their right to expand their knowledge through quality reading materials. insidebooksproject.org | 3106 E 14th 1/2 St.
5 Urban Roots
Through youth development programs, Urban Roots shares farm-fresh produce with our community. But more than that, they practice regenerative farming with respect for the land while providing paid internships, giving youth a greater sense of purpose and understanding of food sourcing. Urban Roots hosts community events and farm tours at both of their farms in east and south Austin. urbanrootsatx.org | 7651 Delwau Ln.
6 Boys & Girls Club
Since 1967, this organization has been providing support and resources to young people, enabling them to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible adults. They now have 28 club locations, all being a safe space for kids to learn and grow. The clubs also offer mentorship programs to children who need extra support. bgcaustin.org | 6648 Ed Bluestein Blvd